Magnetic scalar potential pdf

What is meant by magnetic scalar potential?

Magnetic scalar potential, ψ, is a quantity in classical electromagnetism analogous to electric potential. It is used to specify the magnetic H-field in cases when there are no free currents, in a manner analogous to using the electric potential to determine the electric field in electrostatics.

What is the unit of magnetic scalar potential?

Its SI units can be expressed as T m, or Wb m−1 or N A−1. It might be briefly noted here that some authors define the magnetic vector potential from H = curl A, though it is standard SI practice to define it from B = curl A.

What is difference between magnetic vector potential and magnetic scalar potential?

Magnetic Scalar Potential – Notes Scalar magnetic potential is analogous to scalar potential in electric fields (i.e. voltage). The magnetic field vector is the negative gradient of scalar magnetic potential, just as the electric field vector is the negative gradient of electrostatic potential.

What is Laplace equation for scalar magnetic potential?

Laplace's equation is valid only outside the magnetic sources and away from currents. Magnetic field can be calculated from the magnetic scalar potential using solutions of Laplace's equation. The magnetic scalar potential is useful only in the region of space away from free currents.

What is scalar potential and vector potential?

In vector calculus, a vector potential is a vector field whose curl is a given vector field. This is analogous to a scalar potential, which is a scalar field whose gradient is a given vector field.

What is the source of scalar potential?

ELECTRIC POTENTIAL This chapter defines scalar potential as the work done per unit charge by the electric field. The scalar potential is the direct electrostatic analog of the gravitational potential energy per unit mass. Scalar potential is used in electrodynamics when time-varying electromagnetic fields are present.

What is scalar vector potential?

In vector calculus, a vector potential is a vector field whose curl is a given vector field. This is analogous to a scalar potential, which is a scalar field whose gradient is a given vector field.