Vallisneria americana gigantea

How tall does vallisneria Americana grow?

three feet tall Vallisneria can grow up to three feet tall with enough sunlight, sometimes floating atop or extending above the water's surface. Vallisneria is a fast grower, able to reach full height in two months of optimum lighting (full or partial sun) and pH conditions are provided.

Is Vallisneria fast growing?

Vallisneria grows so fast that it often goes to compost. I suggest everyone give it a try. If you've got multiple high tech planted aquariums, a vallisneria jungle is a nice reprieve from all the maintenance.

Where does vallisneria Americana grow?

It is found primarily in eastern North America, occurring west from Nova Scotia to South Dakota and South to the Gulf of Mexico. It has also been reported in the western states of Washington, Nebraska, New Mexico and Arizona. V. americana is cultivated for the aquarium trade, where it is a sold as a background plant.

Can Vallisneria be trimmed?

You can trim the leaves to any height you would like (just leave enough for the plant to continue to grow), you may get a brown edge where you cut. The tops of the leaves that you cut off will not grow if planted and should be thrown out.

How do you prune a Vallisneria Americana?

1:372:27How to Care for Vallisneria – The One Plant Wonder – YouTubeYouTube

How do you plant Vallisneria Americana?

Planting your Vallisneria couldn't be easier. The plant's roots should be placed under the substrate, and the crown where the leaves grow out should be just above the substrate. Careful gardeners like to use long tweezers for planting, but I prefer my fingers.

How do you prune a vallisneria Americana?

1:372:27How to Care for Vallisneria – The One Plant Wonder – YouTubeYouTube